Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Closing Remarks

Well, I clearly failed at timely wrapping this up. Things happen. I got busy. I got tired. Then I was in denial project was over. And then I got busy again.

And now its almost December.

I have been home from project for a total of 114 days. It is no longer summer, and fall is rapidly drawing to a close. Thanksgiving has come and gone and my Christmas tree will go up tomorrow. I am writing this on a belly full of apple pie because I am an emotional eater and the Gators just lost to the Seminoles, something I hoped to never see in my lifetime, let alone while I was still a student.

But all that aside, I have finally found the time and the courage to write this.

Summer project finished just as it begun- one giant whirlwind. Specifics elude me now, but somewhere between my last entry and our day of departure, true magic took place. Not the pull-the-rabbit-from-the-hat kind. Earthly magic is all an illusion. Somewhere in those 3 weeks, God worked a miracle in the lives of each and every person on that project. The rag-tag group of college kids from twenty something states became an unstoppable force that left its mark on the Magic Kingdom and the Kingdom of Heaven eternally. We became a family bonded by more than just memories. Our hearts are forever entwined, joined not only through common experience but through late night conversations, hours of prayer, and countless things to laugh and cry about. When the bible talks about heaven, it often mentions the community aspect of it, and how finding a true Godly community here on Earth is the closest thing we have to compare to heaven. And when you find that kind of community, it marks your soul forever. I consider myself blessed to have experienced that.

It would be a dramatic understatement to say that our "mission" for the summer was accomplished. We traveled thousands and thousands of miles and raised thousands and thousands of dollars. All 33 of us undeniably experienced life-changing growth this summer. But more importantly, hundreds and hundreds of our coworkers were exposed to what it looks like to live like Christ did.

Another one of our theme verses for the summer was 1 John 3:18 (also one of my faves)

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

Every time each of us smiled instead of cried. Every time we came in early or stayed late. Every pep talk. Every time we did something without complaint. Every ounce of extra effort. Every task done well, not just done. Every shared cookie, every hug, every bad joke, every little thing. It was worth it. Our co-workers got it. They saw we were different.

It was clear all summer that God is doing something amazing at Walt Disney World. It became even clearer as the summer drew to a close.

It was clear when tears were shed on all sides during our last day of work. It was clear when we shared one last sunrise meal at IHOP when dozens of coworkers came to say bye. It was clear when we stood up and shared stories at the end of project banquet. It was clear that our main objective was met- college students from around the world encountered true Christianity. Students from China, South Korea, Italy, France, Germany, Scotland, Mexico, Puerto Rico, England, Morocco, Australia, Egypt, Brazil, Canada, Russia, India and SO many more. But that wasn't everything. We impacted hundreds of American students who go there for the college program. We impacted our managers and coordinators. We impacted cast members who didn't even work in our areas, like my friend Michael. He is one of the Emporium's custodial workers. He has a family and works two jobs to make ends meet. We became friends early on in the summer and said "hi" every night when he came in to clean. He told me that most people ignored his presence unless he was in their way. It broke my heart, and from then on I went out of my way to say hello.

We were also able to make an impact on the Christian community that already existed at WDW. We provided encouragement, community, and support to those who struggled just to hold on to their faith. It was an unexpected but glorious victory that our project multiplied in size. Almost all of our events and things were open to anyone who wanted to come, so that by the end there were dozens of fellow cast members attending bible study or church with us.

I learned so much on this adventure. I learned lessons in humility. My confidence as a leader was shaken, then rebuilt; challenged, then strengthened. Walls that have remained sturdy in my heart for years were broken down as I learned lessons in true friendship and biblical community. I learned the value of hard work and how far a smile can go.

Not a day goes by that I don't wish I could go back. I opened this entry saying that it hurt too much to write this for a while. I really have struggled this semester to (if I may quote my good friend Kristen) "be where my feet are." I desperately miss the community and the excitement of summer project. I get frustrated with monotony and menial tasks that seem to get in my way of sharing God's love with others.

Don't get me wrong, this semester has been awesome. I volunteer at an elementary school in their deaf/hard of hearing class and I am getting ready to go to graduate school and make a career out of bringing language and learning into the world of deaf children. I am interning at my church and helping build a children's ministry that allows kids to truly experience the satisfaction I feel in my heart. Life is great. But its not the same. But that's my fault. There is no reason why I should not be living by faith like I did all summer. I am so lucky that I got that opportunity. Now that I know what it is like to live life in a community of people who are striving to share the love of God, I crave it. I got a taste of something I cannot seem to get enough of.

I miss my roommates. I miss my Team Emporium. I miss Sarah, who worked with us and is now off on her own pursuit of God out there in Cali (her college program ended in August too). I miss Ray and Lulu and Cecilia, our Chinese friends from the Emporium who came to church with us and heard about God for the first time. Cecilia and Lulu cried when we left, and so did I. Cecilia's parting words were "I will never forget you. You will always live in my heart." Same to you girl, same to you. I hope China is treating you well. I miss my bible study, my small group, my discipler, my ministry team, my fellow directors, and my bedmate. I miss every single student and staff member on that project, from Kevin, the director, all the way down to baby Jack, the son of one of the staff members. I miss Mike Ditka resort, the employees with their Bears jerseys, the pool with its annoying fountains, the lake, my condo, the smoking burner, and all the passive-aggressive sticky notes Sam would leave to make us clean up our stuff. I miss eating McDonalds, IHOP, Denny's, waffle house, steak and shake, wendy's, taco bell, and every other bad food you can think of at all hours of the night. I miss crying till I laughed and laughing till I cried. I miss being so tired that I can't stand OR think straight. I miss riding the bus from Cast parking to West Clock. I miss walking underneath Cinderella's castle and talking about God with a half-dressed Princess Tiana in the food court. I miss the kids who came to my store and even their crabby parents. But I am thankful.

I am thankful for each and every single person that got me here. Whether you supported me financially, prayerfully, emotionally, or mentally throughout this entire journey. Thank you for giving, praying, calling, writing, caring, and even for reading this. I miss WDWSP10 terribly, but I am SO blessed to have experienced it. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

I don't yet know what next summer brings. I have applied to graduate school and am anxiously awaiting their decision. Depending on where I go, I would like to return to WDWSP11 as an intern leader. We shall see what God has in store!

Lastly, I am almost finished making a video slideshow with pictures from summer project. I will post it here soon.

So, in the fitting words of a popular piece of Disney merchandise,

Been There. Done That. (hopefully) Going Back!

Signing off (for now),