(I cannot believe its almost 2/3 over. Seriously.)

Tim, Jamie, Erica & I (collectively known as Team Emporium) outside our place of employment

A bunch of students and staff celebrating Katie's birthday (see here)

Trip to EPCOT after Traditions- our first time using our Cast Member ID to get into a park!!!
The boss himself in the Celebrate a Dream Come True Parade
Me, Alexis, Pat, and Jess. These are probably my three closest friends on project :)
The finale of the castle show- Dream Along with Mickey
This is Liz. She is the reason I am sane right now. I miss her terribly already.
This is my LTG- They weren't kidding when they named it that. Liz, me, Laura, Savannah, Sarah, Alicia, and Kelly V. My "moms" were wonderful leaders and now Laura has taken over as the leader!
Team Emporium in costume

Catching a wave at Cocoa
Being taught how to surf
This is where I live!
The parade that passes by my store twice a night
A bunch of people crammed in my living room to watch Princess and the Frog
Campus Crusade International Headquarters and Lake Hart
Movie night with some of the girls
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