Friday, March 30, 2012

Here We Go Again (Again)

Well, this is unexpected.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that this blog would get any more action. But, alas, I stand on the brink of a THIRD summer spent sharing God's love in the Most Magical Place on Earth.

When I last left off in August, I was about to embark on my new adventure: grad school 1200 miles from everyone and everything I knew. Leaving behind the sunny beaches of Florida for the plains of Missouri. Saying adios to UF and hey howdy hey to Washington University St. Louis and the Master's of Science in Deaf Education program. Seven months later, I have settled in to my new life quite nicely. Life is just as busy as it has always been, except in different ways. I am not nearly as involved on campus, mostly because "campus" consists of one building here. I take all my classes at the Central Institute for the Deaf, where I also work as a recreational aide (I do lunch and recess duty plus I pick up aftercare shifts a few times a month). I am super involved in a wonderful church called The Journey that is all about loving God and loving people. I work as a nanny for a nine year old boy who is seriously the funniest, smartest kid I have ever met in my life. I regularly have a "Stuff Jackson Says" feature on my facebook, because it is all just too good to not share. I am still teaching children's church, a real passion of mine, and I help coordinate childcare for classes at the church. My life is filled with a lot of joy, and I have almost daily confirmation that I am doing EXACTLY what God created me to do. I LOVE my classes and I actually enjoy studying because it seems so relevant and applicable to my life and my mission. My senior year at UF I volunteered in an elementary school that had a hearing-impaired inclusion class. I worked closely with a speech pathologist who had a sign on her door saying "Just because I can't hear doesn't mean I don't have anything to say." I started a blog when I moved to St. Louis, and here is an entry that basically sums up my passion: Alive.

I miss a lot about Florida. The people and places who shaped me into the person I am today. I also miss working with college women. I have loved serving in that capacity, and the Lord has given me a strong passion for investing into the lives of women in college because God changed my life so much in those four years through wonderful women who were willing to pour into my life. For some crazy reason, my grad program doesn't have summer classes. But this gives me the opportunity to fully serve God for one last summer without being tied to a career. It is a huge blessing, and after a lot of prayer, confusion, talking to people, more prayer, some tears, some disappointment, a crazy situation that found me a subleaser, and some more prayer, I am going back. One more summer spent serving God by leading a group of college students on the craziest adventure of their lives. I have tried my hardest to stay in touch with the four girls I discipled last summer, and I am so thrilled to still be a part of their lives and blessed to see what God is doing in and through them. I am SO incredibly excited for this summer. There will be a HUGE group of us interns, both students from last year, students from MY project in 2010, and students who will be along for the ride for the first time!! We are gonna be quite a team.

Anyways, I sent out my first round of support letters a week ago! If you would like one and haven't gotten one yet, email me with your address and I will send you one!! If you would like to support me again (I have to raise over $1600 for living and travel expenses for this summer- it is a little more expensive now that I need to actually GET to Florida... I have always been there already!) here is the info.

Send a check made out to "cru" to
Kelly Wood
4949 West Pine Blvd #11R
St. Louis, MO 63108

I am having issues with my online account, so until that gets straightened out, mail would be the best option.

I love each and every one of you and I am so thankful I get to share this journey with you for a THIRD time. Please keep me in your prayers as I try and finish out this semester strong. Let me know how I can be praying for you too!!


1 comment:

  1. SO proud of you, Sister! Praying so much--MISS and LOVE you so much! :)
