Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Hello friends!

I think the last three weeks of crazy weather, crazy schoolwork, crazy traveling, crazy visits, and crazy amounts of extra babysitting shifts have caught up with me- it is sinus infection city in my apartment. I woke up yesterday convinced that my face was going to explode, so I took a sick day and went to the doctor this morning.

A different kind of sickness has been creeping in lately too- it has been over three months since I have seen my family, and it will be 6 more weeks before that happens. That is beginning to take it's toll as well. I got to see my sister last weekend, which was super fun, and I have seen a lot of friends as well. But I still miss home, especially around Easter. Luckily, the lovely Alicia Corona drove over from Louisville this weekend since neither one of us got to celebrate with our own families. We had a blast dyeing eggs, eating jelly beans, and being downright lazy as we powered through multiple movies camped out on my couch. We got to just chat about what life is like so far away from home and how weird it is to be "big girls."

As I face the marathon of the next few weeks, I am supremely thankful for the dozens of people I have here that I can call family. They love and encourage me, life me up, pray for me, make me laugh, and constantly point me to Christ.

Support raising is going really well, I am at 40%!!! I am really eager for this summer to begin. Brief overview again for newcomers- in 2010 I was a student on the Walt Disney World Summer Project. Me and 32 other college students worked full time in entry level positions in Magic Kingdom for the purpose of sharing the Gospel with our co-workers, especially international students who come to work at Disney for the International college program. We had a staff team of 14 people who led the daily project ministry events- bible studies, women's time, ministry teams (prayer team, world vision team, community team), etc. I was discipled by an incredible woman named Liz who helped me learn more about myself and grow confident in my identity in Christ. I was so impacted by the leadership team that last year I went back as student staff. I got to mentor women as they experienced the same thing I did the year before. I got to train leaders, give messages, and plan events. It was an incredible experience! And this is what I get to do again this summer. I won't be working at Disney again- my full time job will be leading the project- kinda like being a camp counselor instead of a camper! I need to raise over $1600 for living and travel expenses for this summer. If you would like to partner with me, please email me your address so I can send you a support letter! My email address is KLW91288@gmail.com. Or send me a text or give me a call with your address- 561-704-0509.

For those of you who have already partnered with me, you are awesome. I am SOO thankful for you. I am praying for the Holy Spirit to work through me this summer, and I cannot wait to share what God does.

I am getting SO excited. Please be praying for my support raising, the hearts of the students, the hearts of the rest of the staff team (including the NINE other student staff interns!! We make up more than half the team!!), and that I can finish the semester strong and be content where I am! I don't want to wish away a single day the Lord has given me.

Let me know how I can be praying for you!
Much love,

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